House Bill 118
Regards wind farm applications, setbacks, and referenda
To amend sections 4906.01, 4906.10, 4906.13, 4906.20, and 4906.201 and to enact sections 519.215, 519.217, 519.219, 519.2111, 519.2113, 519.2115, 519.2117, 519.2119, 519.2121, 519.2123, 4906.101, 4906.203, and 4906.30 of the Revised Code to require inclusion of safety specifications in wind farm certificate applications, to modify wind turbine setbacks, and to permit a township referendum vote on certain wind farm and solar facility certificates.
Current Version

House Public Utilities Committee
Primary Sponsors
Craig S. Riedel
Dick Stein
Gary Click
Rodney Creech
Jon Cross
P. Scott Lipps
Riordan T. McClain
Jena Powell
Bill Seitz
D. J. Swearingen
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