House Bill 14
Ease voter registration
To amend sections 3501.05, 3503.09, 3503.10, 3503.12, 3503.13, 3503.14, 3503.15, 3503.16, 3503.19, 3503.20, 3503.21, 3503.28, 3503.30, 3503.33, 3505.18, 3505.181, 3505.183, 3509.03, 3509.05, 3511.02, 3511.09, 3599.11, and 3599.18, to enact new section 3503.11, and to repeal sections 3503.11, 3503.29, and 3505.22 of the Revised Code to require that eligible persons in certain government and school databases be automatically registered to vote or have their registrations updated automatically unless those persons decline and to expand how a voter may register or update their registration through the online voter registration system.
Current Version

House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee
Primary Sponsors
Kathleen Clyde
Nickie J. Antonio
Kristin Boggs
Janine R. Boyd
Greta Johnson
Brigid Kelly
Bernadine Kennedy Kent
David Leland
Adam C. Miller
Michael J. O'Brien
Daniel Ramos
John M. Rogers
Michael Sheehy
Kent Smith
Thomas West
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