Senate Bill 245
Revise laws governing real property
To amend sections 120.521, 120.53, 319.20, 1923.06, 1923.08, 1923.09, 3735.41, 3781.10, 4735.55, 4735.56, 4735.59, and 5321.17 and to enact sections 120.531, 120.532, 319.204, 1923.111, 1923.16, and 3781.181 of the Revised Code to revise the law governing eviction, real estate representation agreements, residential building code enforcement, and real property transfers, and to amend the version of section 3781.10 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes after that date.
Current Version

Senate Select Committee on Housing
Primary Sponsors
Michele Reynolds
Hearcel F. Craig
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