Senate Bill 162
Regards academic intervention services
To amend sections 3301.0714, 3314.03, and 3326.11 and to enact sections 3302.131, 3302.132, and 3313.6030 of the Revised Code with regard to academic intervention services at public schools and the establishment of mathematics improvement and intervention plans and to amend the versions of sections 3301.0714 and 3314.03 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that effective date.
Current Version

House Primary and Secondary Education Committee
Senate Education Committee
Primary Sponsors
Andrew O. Brenner
Jerry C. Cirino
Matt Dolan
Theresa Gavarone
George F. Lang
Bill Reineke
Michele Reynolds
Mark Romanchuk
Vernon Sykes
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