House Resolution 27
In memory of Dan Ramos.
Current Version

Primary Sponsors
Jason Stephens
C. Allison Russo
Cindy Abrams
Rachel B. Baker
Tim Barhorst
Adam C. Bird
Willis E. Blackshear, Jr.
Sean P. Brennan
Juanita O. Brent
Darnell T. Brewer
Richard D. Brown
Jamie Callender
Sara P. Carruthers
Thaddeus J. Claggett
Gary Click
Rodney Creech
Jon Cross
Al Cutrona
Bill Dean
Richard Dell'Aquila
Steve Demetriou
Sedrick Denson
Dave Dobos
Jay Edwards
Ron Ferguson
Elliot Forhan
Sarah Fowler Arthur
Tavia Galonski
Haraz N. Ghanbari
Michele Grim
Jennifer Gross
Thomas Hall
Brett Hudson Hillyer
Adam Holmes
James M. Hoops
Latyna M. Humphrey
Dani Isaacsohn
Dontavius L. Jarrells
Marilyn John
Mark Johnson
Don Jones
Kris Jordan
Darrell Kick
Angela N. King
Roy Klopfenstein
Brian Lampton
Jeff LaRe
Beth Lear
Mary Lightbody
P. Scott Lipps
Beth Liston
Mike Loychik
Susan Manchester
Gayle Manning
Adam Mathews
Riordan T. McClain
Lauren McNally
Derek Merrin
Adam C. Miller
Joseph A. Miller, III
Kevin D. Miller
Melanie Miller
Jessica E. Miranda
Ismail Mohamed
Scott Oelslager
Thomas F. Patton
Gail K. Pavliga
Bob Peterson
Phil Plummer
Jena Powell
Sharon A. Ray
Tracy M. Richardson
Monica Robb Blasdel
Phillip M. Robinson, Jr.
Bill Roemer
Elgin Rogers, Jr.
Nick Santucci
Jean Schmidt
Bill Seitz
Michael J. Skindell
Anita Somani
Dick Stein
Brian Stewart
Reggie Stoltzfus
D. J. Swearingen
Bride Rose Sweeney
Cecil Thomas
Jim Thomas
Daniel P. Troy
Terrence Upchurch
Casey Weinstein
Andrea White
Scott Wiggam
Josh Williams
Bernard Willis
Munira Abdullahi
Bob Young
Tom Young
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