House Bill 49
Regards availability of hospital price information
To amend section 3727.44; to amend, for the purpose of adopting a new section number as indicated in parentheses, section 3727.44 (3727.38); to enact new section 3727.42 and sections 3727.31, 3727.32, 3727.33, 3727.34, 3727.35, 3727.351, 3727.36, 3727.37, and 3727.41; and to repeal sections 3727.42, 3727.43, and 3727.45 of the Revised Code regarding facility fees and the availability of hospital price information.
Current Version

House Insurance Committee
Senate Small Business and Economic Opportunity Committee
Primary Sponsors
Ron Ferguson
Tim Barhorst
Jerry C. Cirino
Matt Dolan
Stephen A. Huffman
Terry Johnson
George F. Lang
Bill Reineke
Kirk Schuring
Munira Abdullahi
Adam C. Bird
Sean P. Brennan
Juanita O. Brent
Darnell T. Brewer
Richard D. Brown
Jamie Callender
Sara P. Carruthers
Thaddeus J. Claggett
Gary Click
Rodney Creech
Bill Dean
Richard Dell'Aquila
Steve Demetriou
Sedrick Denson
Dave Dobos
Elliot Forhan
Sarah Fowler Arthur
Jennifer Gross
Thomas Hall
Adam Holmes
Dani Isaacsohn
Dontavius L. Jarrells
Marilyn John
Mark Johnson
Don Jones
Kris Jordan
Darrell Kick
Angela N. King
Roy Klopfenstein
Brian Lampton
Beth Lear
Brian Lorenz
Adam Mathews
Riordan T. McClain
Derek Merrin
Adam C. Miller
Joseph A. Miller, III
Melanie Miller
Jessica E. Miranda
Bob Peterson
Phil Plummer
Jena Powell
Elgin Rogers, Jr.
Dick Stein
Brian Stewart
Reggie Stoltzfus
Bride Rose Sweeney
Terrence Upchurch
Scott Wiggam
Josh Williams
Bernard Willis
Tom Young
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.