Senate Bill 277
Temporarily reduce motor fuel excise tax; registration taxes
To amend sections 4503.10 and 5735.05 of the Revised Code to temporarily reduce motor fuel excise tax rates and suspend collection of the additional motor vehicle registration taxes on electric and hybrid vehicles, both for five years, and to amend the version of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on October 1, 2022, to continue the changes to that section on and after that date.
Current Version

Senate Transportation Committee
Primary Sponsors
Stephen A. Huffman
Niraj Antani
Louis W. Blessing, III
Andrew O. Brenner
Jerry C. Cirino
Theresa Gavarone
Terry Johnson
George F. Lang
Nathan H. Manning
Sandra O'Brien
Bob Peterson
Bill Reineke
Kristina D. Roegner
Mark Romanchuk
Michael A. Rulli
Tim Schaffer
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