House Bill 509
Revise and streamline occupational regulations
To amend sections 109.572, 169.16, 1716.05, 1716.08, 1716.99, 2925.01, 3310.41, 3319.22, 3701.74, 3737.881, 3772.13, 3772.131, 3905.471, 3905.81, 4709.07, 4709.10, 4713.28, 4715.13, 4715.14, 4715.141, 4715.21, 4715.24, 4715.25, 4715.27, 4717.01, 4717.02, 4717.03, 4717.04, 4717.05, 4717.06, 4717.07, 4717.08, 4717.09, 4717.11, 4717.13, 4717.15, 4717.36, 4717.41, 4723.01, 4723.07, 4723.08, 4723.091, 4723.092, 4723.114, 4723.18, 4723.181, 4723.35, 4723.48, 4723.481, 4723.50, 4723.72, 4723.73, 4723.75, 4723.79, 4725.01, 4725.011, 4725.02, 4725.07, 4725.09, 4725.091, 4725.092, 4725.12, 4725.13, 4725.15, 4725.16, 4725.18, 4725.19, 4725.20, 4725.24, 4725.27, 4725.34, 4725.35, 4725.40, 4725.41, 4725.44, 4725.48, 4725.49, 4725.50, 4725.51, 4725.52, 4725.53, 4725.63, 4725.66, 4725.67, 4729.01, 4729.12, 4729.15, 4731.16, 4731.17, 4731.19, 4732.01, 4732.02, 4732.05, 4732.09, 4732.10, 4732.11, 4732.12, 4732.13, 4732.14, 4732.141, 4732.142, 4732.17, 4732.171, 4732.173, 4732.18, 4732.19, 4732.20, 4732.21, 4732.22, 4732.221, 4732.24, 4732.31, 4732.33, 4734.211, 4735.27, 4741.17, 4743.09, 4749.03, 4751.01, 4751.10, 4751.101, 4751.102, 4751.20, 4751.23, 4751.24, 4751.32, 4751.33, 4751.40, 4751.41, 4751.45, 4753.06, 4753.071, 4753.12, 4755.01, 4755.062, 4757.02, 4757.22, 4757.27, 4757.301, 4757.33, 4757.41, 4758.20, 4758.26, 4758.51, 4765.10, 4765.11, 4765.15, 4765.16, 4765.17, 4765.18, 4765.22, 4765.23, 4765.24, 4765.29, 4765.30, 4765.31, 4765.49, 4765.50, 4765.55, 4769.01, 4779.03, 4779.10, 4779.11, 4779.12, 4779.13, 4779.17, 5126.22, 5126.25, and 5164.95; to enact sections 3731.031, 4725.131, 4725.231, 4725.541, 4798.05, and 4798.06; and to repeal sections 3319.2212, 4715.421, 4717.051, 4723.17, 4723.19, 4723.76, 4725.14, 4725.17, 4725.171, 4725.58, 4751.202, and 4779.18 of the Revised Code to revise and streamline the state's occupational regulations, to extend the authorization for two boards set to expire under Sunset Review Law, and to amend the version of section 4723.481 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on September 30, 2024, to continue the change on and after that date.
Current Version
Effective Date
April 6, 2023

House State and Local Government Committee
Senate Workforce and Higher Education Committee
Primary Sponsors
Marilyn John
Sarah Fowler Arthur
Nickie J. Antonio
Jerry C. Cirino
Matt Dolan
Theresa Gavarone
Frank Hoagland
Jay Hottinger
Stephen A. Huffman
Terry Johnson
George F. Lang
Nathan H. Manning
Dale B. Martin
Rob McColley
Sandra O'Brien
Bob Peterson
Bill Reineke
Kristina D. Roegner
Michael A. Rulli
Cecil Thomas
Kenny Yuko
Gary Click
Jennifer Gross
Thomas Hall
Adam Holmes
Don Jones
Darrell Kick
Riordan T. McClain
Derek Merrin
Scott Wiggam
Learn More : Glossary of Terms | The Legislative Process
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.