House Bill 389
Regards energy efficiency and peak demand reduction portfolios
To amend section 4928.02 and to enact sections 4928.6630, 4928.6631, 4928.6633, 4928.6634, 4928.6636, 4928.6639, 4928.6641, 4928.6644, 4928.6645, 4928.6646, 4928.6647, 4928.6650, 4928.6653, 4928.6655, 4928.6657, 4928.6660, and 4928.6665 of the Revised Code to permit electric distribution utilities to establish energy efficiency and demand reduction portfolios.
Current Version

House Public Utilities Committee
Primary Sponsors
David Leland
Bill Seitz
Kristin Boggs
Thomas E. Brinkman Jr.
Rick Carfagna
Jennifer Gross
Brett Hudson Hillyer
James M. Hoops
Catherine D. Ingram
Mary Lightbody
Sharon A. Ray
Dick Stein
Bride Rose Sweeney
Shane Wilkin
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