Senate Bill 57
Decriminalize hemp and license hemp cultivation
To amend sections 109.572, 924.01, 3719.01, 3719.41, 4729.01, 4776.01, and 5713.30, to enact sections 924.212, 928.01, 928.02, 928.03, 928.04, 928.05, 928.06, 928.07, and 928.99 of the Revised Code to establish conditions and requirements governing the regulation of hemp and hemp products, to amend the version of section 109.572 that is scheduled to take effect on September 20, 2019, and the versions of sections 3719.01, 3719.41, and 4729.01 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on March 22, 2020, to continue the provisions of this act on and after those dates, and to declare an emergency.
Current Version
Effective Date
July 30, 2019
Emergency: Most provisions effective 07/30/19; Certain provisions effective 09/20/19 and 03/22/20

House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee
Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee
Primary Sponsors
Brian Hill
Stephen A. Huffman
Nickie J. Antonio
Andrew O. Brenner
William P. Coley, II
Hearcel F. Craig
Matt Dolan
John Eklund
Teresa Fedor
Theresa Gavarone
Bob D. Hackett
Frank Hoagland
Matt Huffman
Stephanie Kunze
Peggy Lehner
Nathan H. Manning
Sean J. O'Brien
Bob Peterson
Kirk Schuring
Vernon Sykes
Cecil Thomas
Joe Uecker
Sandra R. Williams
Steve Wilson
Kenny Yuko
Brian Baldridge
Louis W. Blessing III
Kristin Boggs
Jamie Callender
Rick Carfagna
Jack Cera
Randi Clites
Erica C. Crawley
Jon Cross
Jeffrey A. Crossman
Sedrick Denson
Tavia Galonski
Doug Green
Diane V. Grendell
Stephen D. Hambley
James M. Hoops
Catherine D. Ingram
Don Jones
Kris Jordan
Darrell Kick
J. Kyle Koehler
Laura Lanese
George F. Lang
Michele Lepore-Hagan
Mary Lightbody
Gayle Manning
Don Manning
Riordan T. McClain
Adam C. Miller
Jessica E. Miranda
Michael J. O'Brien
Thomas F. Patton
Rick Perales
Bill Reineke
Tracy M. Richardson
Phillip M. Robinson, Jr.
John M. Rogers
Scott Ryan
Gary Scherer
Bill Seitz
Michael Sheehy
Kent Smith
Ryan Smith
J. Todd Smith
Dick Stein
Reggie Stoltzfus
Fred Strahorn
Terrence Upchurch
Casey Weinstein
Thomas West
Scott Wiggam
Shane Wilkin
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.