Senate Bill 1
Reduce number of regulatory restrictions
To amend sections 101.35, 106.021, 106.03, 106.031, 121.95, and 3701.13 and to enact sections 101.354, 101.355, 101.36, 107.57, 121.031, 121.951, 121.952, and 121.953 of the Revised Code to require certain agencies to reduce the number of regulatory restrictions in their administrative rules, to require the approval of the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review for Department of Health orders to be effective for more than fourteen days, and to modify the Department's rulemaking authority.
Current Version

House State and Local Government Committee
House Conference Committee on S.B. 1
Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee
Primary Sponsors
Rob McColley
Kristina D. Roegner
Andrew O. Brenner
William P. Coley, II
Theresa Gavarone
Bob D. Hackett
Frank Hoagland
Jay Hottinger
Stephen A. Huffman
Matt Huffman
Peggy Lehner
Nathan H. Manning
Larry Obhof
Bob Peterson
Michael A. Rulli
Tim Schaffer
Kirk Schuring
Lou Terhar
Joe Uecker
Steve Wilson
Brian Baldridge
John Becker
Jon Cross
Haraz N. Ghanbari
Doug Green
Stephen D. Hambley
Adam Holmes
Don Jones
Jeff LaRe
Riordan T. McClain
Derek Merrin
Phil Plummer
Jena Powell
Bill Roemer
Bill Seitz
J. Todd Smith
Dick Stein
Reggie Stoltzfus
Scott Wiggam
Shane Wilkin
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.