House Bill 513
Enacts the Vulnerable Child Protection Act
To enact sections 2151.63, 5128.01, 5128.02, 5128.03, 5128.04, 5128.05, 5128.06, and 5128.99 of the Revised Code to enact the "Vulnerable Child Protection Act" regarding sexuality and identity counseling and prohibiting certain procedures and activities intended to change, reinforce, or affirm a minor's perception of his or her own sexual attraction, sexual behaviors, or identity.
Current Version

House Health Committee
Primary Sponsors
Ron Hood
Bill Dean
John Becker
Timothy E. Ginter
Kris Jordan
Candice Keller
George F. Lang
Jena Powell
J. Todd Smith
Reggie Stoltzfus
A. Nino Vitale
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