House Bill 194
Legalize and regulate sports gaming/tax sports gaming businesses
To amend sections 109.572, 718.031, 3770.01, 3770.02, 3770.03, 3770.99, 3772.03, 5703.21, 5747.02, 5747.063, 5747.064, 5747.08, 5747.20, 5751.01, 5753.01, 5753.03, 5753.04, 5753.05, 5753.06, 5753.061, 5753.07, 5753.08, and 5753.10 and to enact sections 3770.30, 3770.31, 3770.32, 3770.33, 3770.331, 3770.34, 3770.35, 3770.36, 3770.37, 3770.38, 3770.39, 3770.40, 5753.021, and 5753.031 of the Revised Code to legalize and regulate sports gaming in this state, to levy a tax on businesses that provide sports gaming, to create a Sports Gaming Advisory Board, and to require the State Lottery Commission to make certain lottery games available in Ohio.
Current Version

House Finance Committee
Primary Sponsors
Dave Greenspan
Brigid Kelly
Rick Carfagna
Sara P. Carruthers
Jack Cera
Erica C. Crawley
Jeffrey A. Crossman
Jay Edwards
Tavia Galonski
Brett Hudson Hillyer
George F. Lang
David Leland
Joseph A. Miller, III
Jessica E. Miranda
Michael J. O'Brien
Rick Perales
Bill Roemer
John M. Rogers
C. Allison Russo
Kent Smith
Lisa A. Sobecki
Thomas West
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