Senate Bill 84
Prevent biased policing and status profiling
To amend sections 109.73, 109.77, 109.79, 109.80, and 5503.05 and to enact sections 109.748, 109.749, and 2933.84 of the Revised Code to require the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission to develop a course to train peace officers in performing their duties without biased policing or status-based profiling; to prohibit law enforcement officers and officials from engaging in biased policing or status-based profiling; to require each law enforcement agency to develop and provide annually to its officers an educational training program on how to perform law enforcement duties without engaging in biased policing or status-based profiling; to create the racial and identity profiling advisory board; to provide a civil cause of action for an individual who is a victim of biased policing or status-based profiling; and to permit the Attorney General to seek injunctive relief against a law enforcement agency served by an officer who commits biased policing or status-based profiling.
Current Version

Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee
Primary Sponsors
Sandra Williams
Charleta B. Tavares
Edna Brown
Cliff Hite
Cecil Thomas
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