House Bill 523
Regards social workers and abuse reporting
To amend sections 109.46, 959.99, 2151.421, 4757.10, 4757.13, 4757.18, 4757.22, 4757.23, 4757.32, and 4757.33 and to enact sections 959.07, 959.08, 959.09, 959.10, 2151.4210, 2919.252, and 4757.25 of the Revised Code to establish animal abuse reporting requirements, to require the Department of Defense Family Advocacy Program to be notified when a person serving in the armed forces is investigated for child abuse or neglect or domestic violence, and to modify the laws regulating counselors, social workers, and marriage and family therapists.
Current Version

House Community and Family Advancement Committee
Senate Health, Human Services and Medicaid Committee
Primary Sponsors
Laura Lanese
Rick Perales
Marlene Anielski
Nickie J. Antonio
Louis W. Blessing III
Richard D. Brown
Hearcel F. Craig
Jay Edwards
Tavia Galonski
Stephen D. Hambley
James M. Hoops
Jim Hughes
Bernadine Kennedy Kent
David Leland
Nathan H. Manning
Adam C. Miller
Michael J. O'Brien
Thomas F. Patton
Daniel Ramos
Ryan Smith
Thomas West
Ron Young
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.