House Bill 478
Modify law regarding wireless service
To amend sections 1332.23, 4939.01, 4939.02, 4939.03, 4939.031, 4939.035, 4939.038, 4939.0311, 4939.0313, 4939.0315, 4939.0319, 4939.0325, and 4939.08; to amend, for the purpose of adopting new section numbers as indicated in parentheses, sections 4939.035 (4939.036), 4939.038 (4939.037), 4939.039 (4939.038), 4939.0313 (4939.0312), 4939.0315 (4939.0313), 4939.0317 (4939.0315), 4939.0319 (4939.0316), 4939.0325 (4939.0322), 4939.0327 (4939.0323), and 4939.08 (4939.09); to enact new sections 4939.032, 4939.033, 4939.039, 4939.0317, and 4939.08 and sections 4939.0314 and 4939.0329; and to repeal sections 4939.032, 4939.033, 4939.037, and 4939.0321 of the Revised Code to modify the law regarding wireless service and the placement of small cell wireless facilities in the public way.
Current Version
Effective Date
August 1, 2018

House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee
Senate Public Utilities Committee
Primary Sponsors
Ryan Smith
Sarah LaTourette
Bill Beagle
Dave Burke
John Eklund
Frank Hoagland
Stephanie Kunze
Rob McColley
Bob Peterson
Marlene Anielski
John Becker
Louis W. Blessing III
Kristin Boggs
Rick Carfagna
Nicholas Celebrezze
Hearcel F. Craig
Anthony DeVitis
Mike Duffey
Keith Faber
Theresa Gavarone
Dave Greenspan
Stephen D. Hambley
Terry Johnson
Bernadine Kennedy Kent
J. Kyle Koehler
George F. Lang
P. Scott Lipps
Adam C. Miller
Thomas F. Patton
Dorothy Pelanda
Rick Perales
Bill Reineke
Jeffery S. Rezabek
Mark J. Romanchuk
Clifford A. Rosenberger
Scott Ryan
Tim Schaffer
Gary Scherer
Kirk Schuring
Bill Seitz
Dick Stein
Emilia Strong Sykes
Andy Thompson
Thomas West
Scott Wiggam
Ron Young
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.