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Creates FY 2018-2019 transportation budget

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To amend sections 106.03, 119.03, 121.82, 122.14, 126.06, 127.14, 164.05, 164.14, 303.40, 307.152, 1509.222, 2935.27, 2937.221, 3123.59, 3737.84, 4115.071, 4501.01, 4501.03, 4501.031, 4501.041, 4501.044, 4501.045, 4501.06, 4501.10, 4501.21, 4501.26, 4501.34, 4503.02, 4503.03, 4503.036, 4503.04, 4503.07, 4503.08, 4503.10, 4503.101, 4503.102, 4503.103, 4503.12, 4503.13, 4503.182, 4503.19, 4503.191, 4503.192, 4503.233, 4503.24, 4503.26, 4503.31, 4503.311, 4503.312, 4503.40, 4503.42, 4503.44, 4503.47, 4503.471, 4503.49, 4503.491, 4503.492, 4503.493, 4503.494, 4503.495, 4503.496, 4503.497, 4503.498, 4503.499, 4503.50, 4503.501, 4503.502, 4503.503, 4503.504, 4503.505, 4503.51, 4503.513, 4503.514, 4503.515, 4503.52, 4503.521, 4503.522, 4503.523, 4503.524, 4503.525, 4503.526, 4503.527, 4503.528, 4503.529, 4503.531, 4503.534, 4503.535, 4503.545, 4503.55, 4503.551, 4503.552, 4503.553, 4503.554, 4503.555, 4503.556, 4503.56, 4503.561, 4503.562, 4503.563, 4503.564, 4503.565, 4503.573, 4503.574, 4503.575, 4503.576, 4503.577, 4503.58, 4503.591, 4503.592, 4503.63, 4503.65, 4503.67, 4503.68, 4503.69, 4503.70, 4503.701, 4503.702, 4503.71, 4503.711, 4503.712, 4503.713, 4503.715, 4503.72, 4503.721, 4503.722, 4503.73, 4503.731, 4503.732, 4503.733, 4503.74, 4503.75, 4503.751, 4503.752, 4503.76, 4503.761, 4503.762, 4503.763, 4503.83, 4503.85, 4503.86, 4503.87, 4503.871, 4503.874, 4503.877, 4503.89, 4503.90, 4503.901, 4503.902, 4503.903, 4503.904, 4503.91, 4503.92, 4503.93, 4503.94, 4503.95, 4503.96, 4503.97, 4503.98, 4504.05, 4504.10, 4505.06, 4505.061, 4505.09, 4505.11, 4505.111, 4505.14, 4506.08, 4506.09, 4507.011, 4507.091, 4507.1612, 4507.23, 4507.24, 4507.45, 4507.50, 4507.52, 4508.05, 4508.06, 4508.08, 4508.10, 4509.05, 4509.101, 4509.81, 4510.13, 4510.22, 4511.04, 4511.103, 4511.132, 4511.191, 4511.212, 4511.61, 4511.661, 4513.263, 4513.53, 4513.70, 4517.11, 4517.17, 4519.01, 4519.02, 4519.03, 4519.05, 4519.10, 4519.11, 4519.40, 4519.41, 4519.56, 4519.59, 4519.63, 4519.69, 4521.10, 4738.021, 4738.06, 4738.13, 4907.472, 4929.161, 4929.162, 4929.163, 4929.166, 5501.53, 5501.55, 5511.02, 5513.04, 5516.15, 5529.05, 5531.08, 5531.101, 5531.149, 5543.20, 5703.80, 5705.14, 5728.06, 5728.08, 5733.98, 5735.01, 5735.05, 5735.053, 5735.06, 5735.07, 5735.11, 5735.124, 5735.13, 5735.14, 5735.142, 5735.18, 5735.19, 5735.20, 5735.27, 5735.28, and 5735.99; to enact new sections 5735.011, 5735.024, 5735.051, and 5735.052 and sections 306.50, 505.90, 1503.35, 4503.038, 4503.106, 4504.201, 4504.24, 4511.216, 4907.64, 5501.491, 5501.90, and 5511.10; to repeal sections 4501.25, 4503.042, 4929.164, 5733.43, 5735.011, 5735.012, 5735.013, 5735.024, 5735.051, 5735.052, 5735.061, 5735.145, 5735.23, 5735.25, 5735.26, 5735.29, 5735.291, 5735.292, and 5735.30 of the Revised Code; and to repeal section 5501.491 of the Revised Code on July 1, 2019; and to amend Sections 512.20 and 751.40 of Am. Sub. H.B. 64 of the 131st General Assembly, Section 305.30 of Am. Sub. H.B. 64 of the 131st General Assembly, as subsequently amended, Section 253.300 of Am. Sub. S.B. 260 of the 131st General Assembly, Sections 207.200, 207.320, and 245.20 of S.B. 310 of the 131st General Assembly, and to amend Sections 207.80, 207.100, 223.10, and 239.10 of S.B. 310 of the 131st General Assembly, as subsequently amended, and to repeal Section 755.30 of this act one year after the effective date of that section to make appropriations for programs related to transportation and public safety for the biennium beginning July 1, 2017, and ending June 30, 2019, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of those programs.

Current Version

As Enrolled PDF

Effective Date

June 30, 2017
Certain provisions effective on other dates; contains item vetoes

Introduced In House Checked Introduced In House
In House Committee Checked In House Committee
Reported By Committee Checked Reported By Committee
Passed By House Checked Passed By House
Introduced In Senate Checked Introduced In Senate
In Senate Committee Checked In Senate Committee
Reported By Committee Checked Reported By Committee
Passed By Senate Checked Passed By Senate
Signed By The Governor Checked Signed By The Governor



Primary Sponsors

Robert McColley


Kevin Bacon
Edna Brown
Matt Dolan
John Eklund
Randy Gardner
Bob D. Hackett
Cliff Hite
Frank Hoagland
Frank LaRose
Peggy Lehner
Gayle Manning
Sean O'Brien
Scott Oelslager
Bob Peterson
Vernon Sykes
Charleta B. Tavares
Cecil Thomas
Kenny Yuko
Marlene Anielski
Nickie J. Antonio
Steven M. Arndt
Michael Ashford
John Barnes, Jr.
Louis W. Blessing III
Nicholas Celebrezze
Jack Cera
Anthony DeVitis
Timothy E. Ginter
Doug Green
Stephen D. Hambley
Brian Hill
Nathan H. Manning
Adam C. Miller
Thomas F. Patton
Dorothy Pelanda
Rick Perales
Bill Reineke
John M. Rogers
Scott Ryan
Gary Scherer
Bill Seitz
Ryan Smith
Dick Stein
Fred Strahorn
Martin J. Sweeney
Andy Thompson
Thomas West

Learn More : Glossary of Terms | The Legislative Process

The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.