House Bill 8
Regulates oil and gas operation and valuation
To amend sections 1509.28 and 5713.051 of the Revised Code to revise provisions in the Oil and Gas Law governing unit operation, including requiring unit operation of land for which the Department of Transportation owns the mineral rights, and to specify that the discounted cash flow formula used to value certain producing oil and gas reserves for property tax purposes is the only method for valuing all oil and gas reserves.
Current Version

House Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Primary Sponsors
Christina Hagan
Timothy E. Ginter
Ron Amstutz
Nickie J. Antonio
Nan A. Baker
John Barnes, Jr.
Louis W. Blessing III
Terry Boose
Tim W. Brown
Jim Buchy
Tony Burkley
Nicholas Celebrezze
Margaret Conditt
Timothy Derickson
Jonathan Dever
Michael D. Dovilla
Mike Duffey
Teresa Fedor
Ronald V. Gerberry
Doug Green
Cheryl L. Grossman
Robert D. Hackett
Stephen D. Hambley
Bill Hayes
Brian Hill
Terry Johnson
J. Kyle Koehler
Steven W. Kraus
Al Landis
Ronald Maag
Jeffrey A. McClain
Robert McColley
Michael J. O'Brien
Sean O'Brien
Dorothy Pelanda
Wes Retherford
Clifford A. Rosenberger
Margaret Ann Ruhl
Scott Ryan
Tim Schaffer
Gary Scherer
Kirk Schuring
Marilyn Slaby
Ryan Smith
Robert Cole Sprague
Lou Terhar
Andy Thompson
Ron Young
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.