House Bill 511
Addresses family and medical leave insurance policies
To amend sections 4117.10, 4745.01, and 5747.01 and to enact sections 4143.01, 4143.02, 4143.03, 4143.04, 4143.05, 4143.06, 4143.07, 4143.08, 4143.09, 4143.10, 4143.11, 4143.12, 4143.13, 4143.14, and 4143.99 of the Revised Code to establish family and medical leave insurance benefits to provide paid leave to allow an individual to address the individual's own serious health condition, to care for a family member, or to bond with a new child and to exempt those benefits from personal income tax.
Current Version

House Insurance Committee
Primary Sponsors
Christie Bryant Kuhns
Janine R. Boyd
Nickie J. Antonio
Michael Ashford
Heather Bishoff
John Boccieri
Kristin Boggs
Kevin Boyce
Nicholas Celebrezze
Jack Cera
Kathleen Clyde
Hearcel F. Craig
Michael F. Curtin
Denise Driehaus
Teresa Fedor
Stephanie D. Howse
Greta Johnson
David Leland
Michele Lepore-Hagan
Michael J. O'Brien
Sean O'Brien
John Patterson
Debbie Phillips
Daniel Ramos
Alicia Reece
John M. Rogers
Michael Sheehy
Stephen Slesnick
Kent Smith
Fred Strahorn
Martin J. Sweeney
Emilia Strong Sykes
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