House Bill 462
Addresses police districts
To amend sections 505.482, 715.05, 2907.24, 2925.11, and 2925.61 of the Revised Code to authorize specified political subdivisions to establish a joint police district, to modify the membership of a joint police district governing body, to expand the offense of solicitation to also apply to a person who agrees with another to engage with the other person in sexual activity for hire, to provide that the "prescription exemption" from the drug possession offenses does not apply to a person who uses more of the drug than the maximum prescribed amount per day or the maximum amount to be used within the prescription timeline or who administers or takes the drug in a manner not prescribed by the prescribing health professional, and to provide immunity from civil liability to a peace officer who administers naloxone to a person who is apparently experiencing an opioid-related overdose.
Current Version

House Local Government Committee
Primary Sponsors
Christina Hagan
Robert Cole Sprague
Debbie Phillips
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