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Primary Sponsors

Thomas E. Brinkman, Jr.


John Eklund
Keith Faber
Cliff Hite
William Seitz
Charleta B. Tavares
Cecil Thomas
Joe Uecker
Ron Amstutz
Marlene Anielski
Nickie J. Antonio
Steven Arndt
John Becker
Louis W. Blessing III
Terry Boose
Andrew Brenner
Tim W. Brown
Jim Buchy
Tony Burkley
Nicholas Celebrezze
Margaret Conditt
Robert R. Cupp
Timothy Derickson
Jonathan Dever
Mike Duffey
Timothy E. Ginter
Doug Green
Robert D. Hackett
Stephen D. Hambley
Bill Hayes
Michael Henne
Brian Hill
Ron Hood
Nathan H. Manning
Jeffrey A. McClain
Michael J. O'Brien
John Patterson
Dorothy Pelanda
Bill Reineke
Wes Retherford
Jeffery S. Rezabek
John M. Rogers
Margaret Ann Ruhl
Scott Ryan
Tim Schaffer
Gary Scherer
Robert Cole Sprague
Fred Strahorn
Martin J. Sweeney
Lou Terhar
Andy Thompson
A. Nino Vitale
Ron Young
Paul Zeltwanger

Learn More : Glossary of Terms | The Legislative Process

The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.