House Bill 347
Modifies civil and criminal asset forfeitures
To amend sections 2329.84, 2329.85, 2329.86, 2981.01, 2981.03, 2981.04, 2981.05, 2981.06, 2981.09, 2981.11, and 2981.14 and to enact section 2927.21 of the Revised Code to modify the laws governing criminal and civil asset forfeitures, to revise the procedures upon a writ of execution of goods claimed by a person other than the defendant, and to establish the offense of receiving proceeds of an offense subject to forfeiture proceedings and permit the state to file a civil action against the person who allegedly committed that offense under certain circumstances.
Current Version
Effective Date
April 6, 2017

House Judiciary Committee
Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee
Primary Sponsors
Robert McColley
Thomas E. Brinkman, Jr.
Troy Balderson
Bill Beagle
Edna Brown
Dave Burke
William P. Coley, II
John Eklund
Keith Faber
Bob D. Hackett
Jay Hottinger
Shannon Jones
Kris Jordan
Frank LaRose
Peggy Lehner
Larry Obhof
Bob Peterson
William Seitz
Charleta B. Tavares
Cecil Thomas
Joe Uecker
Ron Amstutz
Niraj J. Antani
John Becker
Andrew Brenner
Jonathan Dever
Mike Duffey
Stephen D. Hambley
Michael Henne
Ron Hood
J. Kyle Koehler
Sarah LaTourette
Wes Retherford
Jeffery S. Rezabek
Kristina Roegner
Mark J. Romanchuk
Kirk Schuring
Lou Terhar
Andy Thompson
A. Nino Vitale
Ron Young
Paul Zeltwanger
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.