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House Concurrent Resolution 8 Status

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Resolution Status Report

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Primary Sponsors

Michael Stinziano


John Adams
Richard Adams
Marlene Anielski
Nickie Antonio
Mike Ashford
Nan Baker
Troy Balderson
John Barnes
William Batchelder
Peter Beck
Terry Blair
Louis Blessing
Terry Boose
Andrew Brenner
Danny Bubp
Jim Buchy
Armond Budish
Jim Butler
John Carey
John Patrick Carney
Ted Celeste
Bill Coley
Courtney Combs
Timothy DeGeeter
Timothy Derickson
Mike Dovilla
Denise Driehaus
Mike Duffey
Lorraine Fende
Mike Foley
Randy Gardner
Nancy Garland
Lou Gentile
Ron Gerberry
Anne Gonzales
Jay Goyal
Cheryl Grossman
Robert Hackett
Christina Hagan
Robert Hagan
Dave Hall
Bill Hayes
Tracy Heard
Michael Henne
Jay Hottinger
Matt Huffman
Terry Johnson
Al Landis
Tom Letson
Clayton Luckie
Matt Lundy
Ron Maag
Dale Mallory
Jeff McClain
Ross McGregor
Todd McKenney
Robert Mecklenborg
Zack Milkovich
Craig Newbold
Sean O'Brien
Mark Okey
Bob Peterson
Debbie Phillips
Connie Pillich
Dan Ramos
Alicia Reece
Cliff Rosenberger
Margaret Ruhl
Kirk Schuring
Barbara Sears
Lynn Slaby
Stephen Slesnick
Robert Sprague
Peter Stautberg
Gerald Stebelton
Michael Stinziano
Vernon Sykes
Matt Szollosi
Andy Thompson
Joseph Uecker
W. Carlton Weddington
Sandra Williams
Roland Winburn
Ron Young
Kenny Yuko

Learn More : Glossary of Terms | The Legislative Process

The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.