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Number | Title | Sponsor(s) | Version |
H. B. No. 1 | Enact Ohio Property Protection Act |
King Klopfenstein
As Introduced |
H. R. No. 9 | To adopt the Rules of the House of Representatives for the 136th General Assembly. |
As Adopted by the House |
H. B. No. 10 | Regulate imitation meat and egg products |
Klopfenstein Daniels
As Introduced |
H. R. No. 11 |
Mathews, T.
As Introduced | |
H. R. No. 14 |
Santucci Gross
As Introduced | |
S. B. No. 42 | Authorize residential stability zones with property tax exemption |
Reynolds Craig
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 44 | Regards law enforcement training and competitive examinations |
Miller, J. Miller, K.
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 56 | Revise medical and adult-use marijuana laws; levy marijuana taxes |
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 59 | Exempt firearms and ammunition from sales and use tax |
Cutrona Schaffer
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 65 | Enact the Agriculture Appreciation Act |
Klopfenstein Peterson
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 80 | Allow a county to implement a motor fuel quality testing program |
Ingram Blackshear
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 86 | Regulate and tax intoxicating hemp, drinkable cannabinoid product |
Huffman Wilkin
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 86 |
As Introduced | |
H. B. No. 87 |
Click Klopfenstein
As Introduced | |
S. B. No. 88 | Enact the Ohio Property Protection Act |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 88 |
Abrams Plummer
As Introduced | |
H. B. No. 96 |
As Introduced | |
S. B. No. 102 |
As Introduced |
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