Senate Bill 307
Regards electric vehicle incentives, transport electrification
To amend sections 4928.02 and 5703.21 and to enact sections 122.97, 122.971, 4501.85, 4928.1410, 4928.1411, 4928.1414, 4928.1417, 4928.1420, 4928.1423, 4928.1425, 5739.22, 6301.24, 6301.25, 6301.26, 6301.27, 6301.28, and 6301.29 of the Revised Code to authorize incentives for the manufacture and usage of electric vehicles, to permit electric distribution utilities to create, and recover costs of, transportation electrification programs, and to make an appropriation.
Current Version

Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee
Primary Sponsors
Michael A. Rulli
Nickie J. Antonio
George F. Lang
Sandra O'Brien
Bill Reineke
Vernon Sykes
Sandra R. Williams
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