House Bill 368
Enact Ohio Computer Crimes Act
To amend sections 109.42, 109.572, 109.88, 901.511, 2137.14, 2909.07, 2913.01, 2913.04, 2913.05, 2913.49, 2919.25, 2919.251, 2919.26, 2921.22, 2923.129, 2927.12, 2933.51, 3712.09, 3721.121, 3750.09, 3751.04, and 5503.101 and to enact sections 2913.86, 2913.87, 2913.88, 2913.89, 2913.90, 2913.91, 2913.92, 2913.93, and 2913.94 of the Revised Code to enact the Ohio Computer Crimes Act.
Current Version

House Criminal Justice Committee
Senate Judiciary Committee
Primary Sponsors
Brian Baldridge
William P. Coley, II
John Eklund
John Becker
Jim Butler
Rick Carfagna
Jeffrey A. Crossman
Robert R. Cupp
Mark Fraizer
Tavia Galonski
Adam Holmes
Candice Keller
Darrell Kick
J. Kyle Koehler
George F. Lang
David Leland
Don Manning
Joseph A. Miller, III
Phil Plummer
Tracy M. Richardson
John M. Rogers
Mark J. Romanchuk
Gary Scherer
J. Todd Smith
Dick Stein
Fred Strahorn
Thomas West
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.