House Bill 151
Affects chiropractors-loan repayment program/revise law
To amend sections 1349.05, 4734.04, 4734.05, 4734.15, 4734.25, 4734.283, 4734.285, and 4734.31 and to enact sections 3702.98, 3702.981, 3702.982, 3702.983, 3702.984, 3702.985, 3702.986, 3702.987, 3702.988, 3702.989, 3702.9810, and 4734.151 of the Revised Code and to amend Section 2 of H.B. 606 of the 133rd General Assembly to create the Chiropractic Loan Repayment Program and revise certain laws administered by the State Chiropractic Board; to make changes to prohibitions regarding soliciting employment after a motor vehicle accident or crime; to clarify the effect of government orders on the temporary civil immunity for injuries caused by the transmission or contraction of or exposure to certain viruses; to grant temporary qualified civil immunity to health care isolation centers during a disaster or emergency; to temporarily authorize emergency medical technicians to perform certain emergency medical services in hospitals; and to declare an emergency.
Current Version
Effective Date
November 22, 2020
Sections 4 and 5 effective 12/16/2020

House Health Committee
Senate Health, Human Services and Medicaid Committee
Primary Sponsors
Rick Carfagna
Nickie J. Antonio
Louis W. Blessing, III
Andrew O. Brenner
Dave Burke
Hearcel F. Craig
John Eklund
Teresa Fedor
Theresa Gavarone
Bob D. Hackett
Frank Hoagland
Jay Hottinger
Stephen A. Huffman
Matt Huffman
Terry Johnson
Stephanie Kunze
Peggy Lehner
Nathan H. Manning
Rob McColley
Kristina D. Roegner
Michael A. Rulli
Tim Schaffer
Kirk Schuring
Steve Wilson
Kenny Yuko
Brian Baldridge
Gil Blair
Sara P. Carruthers
Jeffrey A. Crossman
Anthony DeVitis
Bill Dean
Jay Edwards
Mark Fraizer
Timothy E. Ginter
Diane V. Grendell
Stephen D. Hambley
Paula Hicks-Hudson
Brett Hudson Hillyer
Ron Hood
James M. Hoops
Candice Keller
Sarah LaTourette
Michele Lepore-Hagan
Mary Lightbody
P. Scott Lipps
Gayle Manning
Don Manning
Joseph A. Miller, III
Michael J. O'Brien
Scott Oelslager
John Patterson
Rick Perales
Phil Plummer
Bill Reineke
Craig S. Riedel
Bill Roemer
John M. Rogers
Mark J. Romanchuk
C. Allison Russo
Tim Schaffer
Bill Seitz
Lisa A. Sobecki
Dick Stein
D. J. Swearingen
Bride Rose Sweeney
Casey Weinstein
Thomas West
Scott Wiggam
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.