House Bill 87
Address money returned to state from community school audit
To amend sections 9.833, 3313.26, 3314.08, 5705.194, and 5705.391 and to enact sections 3313.241, 3314.232, and 3314.52 of the Revised Code and to contingently amend Section 11 of Sub. S.B. 216 of the 132nd General Assembly upon its enactment and becoming effective regarding public moneys returned to the state as a result of a finding for recovery issued pursuant to an audit of the enrollment records of a community school, to clarify the time period within which a school district emergency levy or substitute levy may be renewed or replaced, to clarify the responsibilities of a school district treasurer regarding the signing or executing of certain documents, to require the State Board of Education to adopt standards for learning management software for internet- and computer-based community schools, regarding qualification for state payments by internet- or computer-based community schools, regarding joint health and medical insurance programs by political subdivisions and county boards of developmental disabilities, regarding submission of five-year financial forecasts by public schools, and regarding the moratorium on certain provisions affecting community schools and school districts whose enrollments were affected due to enrolling students of a suspended e-school.
Current Version
Effective Date
November 2, 2018

House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee
Senate Education Committee
Primary Sponsors
Kristina Roegner
Bill Beagle
William P. Coley, II
Matt Dolan
John Eklund
Randy Gardner
Stephanie Kunze
Scott Oelslager
Bob Peterson
Lou Terhar
Marlene Anielski
Nickie J. Antonio
John Barnes, Jr.
John Becker
Louis W. Blessing III
Kristin Boggs
Janine R. Boyd
Richard D. Brown
Jim Butler
Rick Carfagna
Nicholas Celebrezze
Jack Cera
Kathleen Clyde
Hearcel F. Craig
Robert R. Cupp
Anthony DeVitis
Bill Dean
Jonathan Dever
Mike Duffey
Keith Faber
Teresa Fedor
Tavia Galonski
Timothy E. Ginter
Doug Green
Stephen D. Hambley
Michael Henne
Brian Hill
Glenn W. Holmes
Catherine D. Ingram
Terry Johnson
Candice Keller
J. Kyle Koehler
David Leland
Michele Lepore-Hagan
Nathan H. Manning
Michael J. O'Brien
Bill Patmon
John Patterson
Rick Perales
Jeffery S. Rezabek
Craig S. Riedel
John M. Rogers
Scott Ryan
Tim Schaffer
Kirk Schuring
Michael Sheehy
Marilyn Slaby
Kent Smith
Ryan Smith
Dick Stein
Fred Strahorn
Martin J. Sweeney
Emilia Strong Sykes
Andy Thompson
A. Nino Vitale
Thomas West
Ron Young
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.