Senate Bill 263
Enact Notary Public Modernization Act
To amend sections 109.572, 147.01, 147.03, 147.04, 147.05, 147.06, 147.07, 147.08, 147.13, 147.14, 147.37, 147.371, 147.51, 147.55, 2303.20, 4505.11, 4735.01, and 4738.021, to enact sections 147.011, 147.021, 147.022, 147.031, 147.032, 147.041, 147.051, 147.141, 147.142, 147.542, 147.551, 147.59, 147.591, 147.60, 147.61, 147.62, 147.63, 147.631, 147.64, 147.65, 147.66, and 4735.023 and to repeal sections 147.02 and 147.09 of the Revised Code to enact the Notary Public Modernization Act, to create the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System Utilization Study Committee, to limit the circumstances under which a clerk of court may issue salvage certificates of title until January 1, 2021, to make changes to the law related to motor vehicle salvage data collection, and to revise Ohio law regarding oil and gas land professionals.
Current Version
Effective Date
September 20, 2019
Most provisions effective 09/20/19; Certain provisions effective 03/20/19 and 07/01/19

House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee
Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions Committee
Primary Sponsors
Matt Huffman
Steve Wilson
Bill Beagle
William P. Coley, II
Matt Dolan
Bob D. Hackett
Frank Hoagland
Jay Hottinger
Stephanie Kunze
Frank LaRose
Peggy Lehner
Bob Peterson
Joseph Schiavoni
Vernon Sykes
Lou Terhar
Kenny Yuko
Marlene Anielski
Louis W. Blessing III
Rick Carfagna
Hearcel F. Craig
Tavia Galonski
Stephen D. Hambley
Adam C. Miller
Rick Perales
Bill Reineke
Scott Ryan
Kirk Schuring
Bill Seitz
Marilyn Slaby
Ryan Smith
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.