House Bill 565
Regards abolition of abortion
To amend sections 9.04, 109.572, 149.43, 2151.414, 2151.421, 2305.11, 2305.234, 2307.52, 2307.53, 2307.54, 2317.56, 2505.02, 2901.01, 2903.09, 2919.11, 2919.122, 2919.17, 2919.191, 2919.193, 2919.201, 2919.24, 2919.25, 2925.11, 2935.36, 2950.03, 2953.25, 2967.193, 3301.32, 3301.541, 3301.88, 3319.31, 3319.39, 3701.034, 3701.046, 3701.511, 3702.30, 3901.87, 4112.01, 4729.291, 4729.292, 4731.22, 4731.223, 4731.224, 4731.225, 4731.25, 4731.281, 4731.293, 4731.91, 5101.55, 5103.0319, 5119.367, and 5153.111; to amend, for the purpose of adopting new section numbers as indicated in parentheses, sections 2919.122 (2919.12) and 2919.191 (2919.19); to enact section 2317.57; and to repeal sections 9.041, 2151.85, 2305.114, 2317.561, 2505.073, 2919.12, 2919.121, 2919.123, 2919.13, 2919.151, 2919.16, 2919.171, 2919.18, 2919.19, 2919.192, 2919.20, 2919.202, 2919.203, 2919.204, 2919.205, 3701.341, 3701.79, 3701.791, 3727.60, 5101.56, and 5101.57 of the Revised Code regarding the abolition of abortion in the state of Ohio and the protection of unborn humans.
Current Version

House Health Committee
Primary Sponsors
Ron Hood
A. Nino Vitale
Niraj J. Antani
John Becker
Thomas E. Brinkman, Jr.
Bill Dean
Candice Keller
Darrell Kick
Derek Merrin
Wes Retherford
Craig S. Riedel
Kristina Roegner
Mark J. Romanchuk
Tim Schaffer
Dick Stein
Andy Thompson
Scott Wiggam
Paul Zeltwanger
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.