House Bill 263
Allow dogs in restaurant outdoor dining areas
To amend section 3717.05 and to enact section 3717.14 of the Revised Code to generally allow the owner of a retail food establishment or food service operation to allow dogs in an outdoor dining area of the establishment or operation.
Current Version
Effective Date
October 29, 2018

House Economic Development, Commerce, and Labor Committee
Senate Health, Human Services and Medicaid Committee
Primary Sponsors
Laura Lanese
Bill Beagle
Dave Burke
William P. Coley, II
Bob D. Hackett
Frank Hoagland
Matt Huffman
Stephanie Kunze
Frank LaRose
Gayle Manning
Rob McColley
Sean O'Brien
Larry Obhof
Joseph Schiavoni
Michael J. Skindell
Charleta B. Tavares
Cecil Thomas
Kenny Yuko
Marlene Anielski
Nickie J. Antonio
John Barnes, Jr.
Kristin Boggs
Janine R. Boyd
Dave Greenspan
Stephen D. Hambley
Michael Henne
Jim Hughes
Sarah LaTourette
David Leland
Michele Lepore-Hagan
Adam C. Miller
Thomas F. Patton
Daniel Ramos
John M. Rogers
Gary Scherer
Kirk Schuring
Martin J. Sweeney
Andy Thompson
Thomas West
Scott Wiggam
Ron Young
Learn More : Glossary of Terms | The Legislative Process
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.