Senate Bill 215
Authorizes forcible entry into motor vehicle to rescue
To enact sections 959.133 and 2151.88 of the Revised Code to grant a person immunity from civil liability for any damage resulting from the forcible entry of a motor vehicle for the purpose of removing a minor or an animal from the vehicle because the minor or the animal is in imminent danger of suffering harm.
Current Version
Effective Date
August 31, 2016

House Judiciary Committee
Senate Civil Justice Committee
Primary Sponsors
Jim Hughes
Frank LaRose
Kevin Bacon
Bill Beagle
Dave Burke
William P. Coley, II
Randy Gardner
Cliff Hite
Jay Hottinger
Shannon Jones
Kris Jordan
Peggy Lehner
Gayle Manning
Larry Obhof
Thomas F. Patton
Tom Sawyer
Joseph Schiavoni
Charleta B. Tavares
Cecil Thomas
Joe Uecker
Kenny Yuko
Marlene Anielski
Niraj J. Antani
Nickie J. Antonio
Janine R. Boyd
Tim W. Brown
Tony Burkley
Jim Butler
Nicholas Celebrezze
Margaret Conditt
Hearcel F. Craig
Jonathan Dever
Michael D. Dovilla
Doug Green
Greta Johnson
Sarah LaTourette
Nathan H. Manning
Michael J. O'Brien
John Patterson
Debbie Phillips
Jeffery S. Rezabek
Kristina Roegner
John M. Rogers
Margaret Ann Ruhl
Tim Schaffer
Michael Sheehy
Kent Smith
Fred Strahorn
Martin J. Sweeney
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.