House Bill 537
Prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation
To amend sections 1901.14, 1907.18, 2101.27, 3101.05, 3101.08, 4111.17, and 4735.55 and to enact sections 3101.081, 3101.16, 3101.17, 3101.18, 4114.01, 4114.02, 4114.03, 4114.04, 4114.05, 4114.06, and 4114.07 of the Revised Code to make discrimination in housing or employment on the basis of sexual orientation an unlawful discriminatory practice; to provide specified protections for religious expression and beliefs about marriage, family, and sexuality; and to prohibit an elected official who solemnizes marriages from refusing to solemnize a marriage of two persons who have been granted a marriage license.
Current Version

House Community and Family Advancement Committee
Primary Sponsors
Bill Hayes
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