House Bill 483
Modifies developmental disabilities programs
To amend sections 9.833, 113.50, 113.51, 113.52, 113.53, 340.034, 113.54, 3301.0714, 3701.07, 3701.61, 4723.071, 4723.32, 4723.61, 4723.64, 4723.651, 4723.67, 4723.68, 5119.25, 5123.02, 5123.1610, 5123.41, 5123.42, 5123.421, 5123.422, 5123.43, 5123.44, 5123.441, 5123.45, 5123.451, 5123.46, 5123.47, 5123.651, 5124.10, 5124.101, 5124.151, 5124.34, 5124.45, 5126.05, 5126.36, 5165.01, 5166.01, 5705.19, 5705.192, 5705.222, 5705.25, 5709.40, 5709.73, 5709.78, and 5747.01, to enact sections 5.234, 5123.024, 5123.0421, 5123.0422, 5123.0423, 5123.377, 5123.378, 5123.452, 5124.195, 5124.39, 5166.041, and 5747.78, and to repeal sections 3701.611 and 3701.62 of the Revised Code; to amend Sections 110.12, 259.110, 289.10, 305.198, and 812.40 of Am. Sub. H.B. 64 of the 131st General Assembly; to amend Section 259.10 of Am. Sub. H.B. 64 of the 131st General Assembly, as subsequently amended; to amend Section 812.40 of Am. Sub. H.B. 483 of the 130th General Assembly; and to amend Section 4 of Sub. S.B. 171 of the 129th General Assembly, as subsequently amended, to modify programs administered by the Department of Developmental Disabilities, to modify certain laws pertaining to tax levies for developmental disabilities, to modify certain laws regarding ABLE savings accounts and Ohio's disability savings account program, to designate October as "Disability History and Awareness Month," to require acceptance of certain certificate of need applications regarding relocation of long-term care facility beds, to remove behavioral health services from inclusion as direct care costs of nursing facilities, to delay certain laws regarding community behavioral health services, and to make an appropriation.
Current Version
Effective Date
October 12, 2016
Certain provisions effective on other dates.

House Finance Committee
Senate Finance Committee
Primary Sponsors
Ron Amstutz
Bill Beagle
William P. Coley, II
John Eklund
Randy Gardner
Lou Gentile
Bob D. Hackett
Jay Hottinger
Shannon Jones
Peggy Lehner
Gayle Manning
Scott Oelslager
Thomas F. Patton
Michael J. Skindell
Charleta B. Tavares
Cecil Thomas
Marlene Anielski
Nickie J. Antonio
Nan A. Baker
John Barnes, Jr.
Heather Bishoff
Louis W. Blessing III
Tim W. Brown
Tony Burkley
Margaret Conditt
Hearcel F. Craig
Timothy Derickson
Jonathan Dever
Michael D. Dovilla
Timothy E. Ginter
Cheryl L. Grossman
Stephen D. Hambley
Bill Hayes
Stephanie D. Howse
J. Kyle Koehler
Christie Bryant Kuhns
Sarah LaTourette
Nathan H. Manning
Jeffrey A. McClain
Bill Reineke
Jeffery S. Rezabek
John M. Rogers
Mark J. Romanchuk
Clifford A. Rosenberger
Scott Ryan
Gary Scherer
Barbara R. Sears
Ryan Smith
Robert Cole Sprague
Fred Strahorn
Martin J. Sweeney
Emilia Strong Sykes
Andy Thompson
Ron Young
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The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.