House Bill 294
Prevents the use of public funds for elective abortions
To enact section 3701.034 of the Revised Code and to amend Section 289.20 of Am. Sub. H.B. 64 of the 131st General Assembly to require the Department of Health to ensure that state funds and certain federal funds are not used either to perform or promote nontherapeutic abortions, or to contract or affiliate with any entity that performs or promotes nontherapeutic abortions; to provide for health departments and WIC clinics to determine presumptive eligibility for pregnant women and children; and to allocate existing funding within the Ohio Department of Health's budget to the Ohio Association of Community Health Centers for safe sleep, birth spacing, and smoking cessation initiatives.
Current Version
Effective Date
May 23, 2016
Effective: May 23, 2016; Sections 3 and 4 effective February 21, 2016

House Community and Family Advancement Committee
Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee
Primary Sponsors
Bill Patmon
Margaret Conditt
Kevin Bacon
Troy Balderson
Bill Beagle
Dave Burke
William P. Coley, II
John Eklund
Keith Faber
Cliff Hite
Jay Hottinger
Shannon Jones
Kris Jordan
Frank LaRose
Peggy Lehner
Larry Obhof
Scott Oelslager
William Seitz
Joe Uecker
Chris Widener
Ron Amstutz
Niraj J. Antani
John Becker
Louis W. Blessing III
Terry Boose
Andrew Brenner
Thomas E. Brinkman, Jr.
Jim Buchy
Tony Burkley
Jim Butler
Timothy Derickson
Michael D. Dovilla
Timothy E. Ginter
Doug Green
Cheryl L. Grossman
Robert D. Hackett
Christina Hagan
David Hall
Stephen D. Hambley
Bill Hayes
Brian Hill
Ron Hood
Stephen A. Huffman
Terry Johnson
J. Kyle Koehler
Sarah LaTourette
Ronald Maag
Jeffrey A. McClain
Robert McColley
Dorothy Pelanda
Rick Perales
Wes Retherford
Kristina Roegner
Mark J. Romanchuk
Clifford A. Rosenberger
Tim Schaffer
Ryan Smith
Robert Cole Sprague
Lou Terhar
Andy Thompson
Ron Young
Paul Zeltwanger
Learn More : Glossary of Terms | The Legislative Process
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.