Senate Bills | ||
S. B. No. 6
Regards certain public entities' governance policies
S. B. No. 10
Incorporate changes in the Internal Revenue Code into Ohio law
S. B. No. 16
Regards immunity from liability for donations of perishable food
S. B. No. 17
Add capitalism to high school financial literacy standards
S. B. No. 21
Regards venue for appeal from an agency order, court changes
S. B. No. 28
Enter Physician Assistant Licensure Compact
S. B. No. 29
Regards education records and student data privacy
S. B. No. 34
Designate July as "Sarcoma Awareness Month"; name act Hank's Law
S. B. No. 40
Enter the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact
S. B. No. 43
Modify homestead exemption-surviving spouse of a disabled veteran
S. B. No. 54
Establish the New African Immigrants Grant and Gift Fund
S. B. No. 56
Enter the Interstate Massage Compact (IMpact)
S. B. No. 58
Prohibit requiring firearms liability insurance or certain fees
S. B. No. 63
Require plaintiff in asbestos claim to file specified disclosures
S. B. No. 81
Authorize certain nurses to sign hospital patient documents
S. B. No. 90
Enter the Social Work Licensure Compact
S. B. No. 91
Regards fraud, waste, and abuse of public funds
S. B. No. 94
Regards the Treasurer of State, recorded instruments, liens, etc.
S. B. No. 95
Authorize the operation of remote dispensing pharmacies
S. B. No. 98
Address fraudulent business filings, related documents
S. B. No. 100
Prohibit installing tracking device or app without consent
S. B. No. 104
Regards the College Credit Plus Program
S. B. No. 106
Regards workers' comp coverage for certain exposure testing
S. B. No. 109
Regards sex offenses, State Medical Board regulated persons
S. B. No. 112
Enact Ohio Childhood Safety Act
S. B. No. 144
Regards immunizations by pharmacists, pharmacy interns and techs
S. B. No. 154
Include Space Force in armed forces, armed and uniformed service
S. B. No. 156
Regards designation of wild, scenic, and recreational rivers
S. B. No. 158
Regards disbursement of municipal funds by residents
S. B. No. 163
Create Dublin City Schools license plate
S. B. No. 168
Regards education regulation reform
S. B. No. 175
Regards insurance regulations and taxes
S. B. No. 196
Regards authority of advanced practice registered nurses
S. B. No. 208
To require a military exception in an open enrollment policy
S. B. No. 211
Enter the Dietitian Licensure Compact
S. B. No. 214
Allow human trafficking victim to expunge certain records
S. B. No. 225
Designate Veterans Suicide Awareness and Prevention Day
S. B. No. 234
Designate Food Allergy Awareness Month
S. B. No. 237
Enacts the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act
S. B. No. 257
Allow military to participate in homeownership savings program
House Bills | ||
H. B. No. 2
Direct state funds for economic growth and community development
H. B. No. 5
Modernize the adoption process
H. B. No. 7
Enact the Strong Foundations Act
H. B. No. 8
Enact the Parents' Bill of Rights
H. B. No. 23
Enact FY 2024-2025 transportation budget
H. B. No. 28
Designate Triple Negative Breast Cancer Awareness Month
H. B. No. 29
Regards driver's license suspensions-failure to pay child support
H. B. No. 31
Enact FY 2024-2025 workers' compensation budget
H. B. No. 32
Enact FY 2024-2025 Industrial Commission budget
H. B. No. 33
Establishes operating appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025
H. B. No. 34
Excuse breast-feeding mothers from jury service
H. B. No. 35
Eliminate limitations period for certain sexual abuse claims
H. B. No. 37
Increase penalties for OVI and aggravated vehicular homicide
H. B. No. 47
Require automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in schools
H. B. No. 50
Create mechanism to allow relief-collateral sanction for housing
H. B. No. 52
Reverse H.B. 509/134th GA changes to EMS training, continuing ed
H. B. No. 56
Increase penalty-fleeing police; regards motor vehicle pursuit
H. B. No. 61
Designate James A. Garfield Day
H. B. No. 68
Enact Ohio Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act
H. B. No. 70
Require schools adopt a policy regarding over-the-counter drugs
H. B. No. 74
Regards state information technology systems and shared services
H. B. No. 77
Regards the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles in Ohio
H. B. No. 78
Regards State Teachers Retirement Board elections, membership
H. B. No. 81
Designate Sheriff Dale R. Williams Memorial Highway
H. B. No. 101
Modify the law regarding village dissolution
H. B. No. 106
Enact the Pay Stub Protection Act
H. B. No. 107
Designate Cleveland Firefighter Johnny Tetrick Memorial Highway
H. B. No. 111
Increase sentence range for third degree felony domestic violence
H. B. No. 147
Regards teacher licensure revocation, hiring practices, conduct
H. B. No. 158
Regards the regulation of cosmetologists and barbers
H. B. No. 161
Eliminate spousal exceptions for certain sex offenses
H. B. No. 173
Designate May as Older Ohioans Month
H. B. No. 179
Regards vicarious liability in tort actions; statutes of repose
H. B. No. 184
Regards charitable solicitations
H. B. No. 191
Revise the law regarding bail
H. B. No. 195
Create an adaptive mobility dealer license
H. B. No. 201
Prohibit sale restrictions on motor vehicle based on power source
H. B. No. 202
Designate Specialist Dennis Alan Combs Memorial Highway
H. B. No. 206
Regards public school expulsion for actions dangerous to others
H. B. No. 214
Regards public school staff member professional duties
H. B. No. 226
Regards customer-owned water service lines replacement costs
H. B. No. 234
Regards imposing sentence on offender who entered an Alford plea
H. B. No. 236
Enact Never Alone Act
H. B. No. 238
Regards occupational regulations
H. B. No. 250
Revise the Military Enlistment diploma seal
H. B. No. 251
Designate Deputy Sheriff James "Jim" Wert Memorial Highway
H. B. No. 253
Designate Brigadier General Charles Young Mem Historical Corridor
H. B. No. 256
Require ODNR to inquire about organ donation
H. B. No. 257
Authorize certain public bodies to meet virtually
H. B. No. 265
Exempt certain public service workers' forms from disclosure
H. B. No. 269
Designate Sgt Bradley J. Harper USMC Memorial Highway
H. B. No. 289
Regards SORN law compliance; add new sexually oriented offense
H. B. No. 301
Regards Nonprofit Corporation Law and dissolving corporations
H. B. No. 303
Establish a process to revise EMS training subjects
H. B. No. 308
Include energy generated by nuclear reaction as green energy
H. B. No. 315
Revise the township law
H. B. No. 322
Regards childhood sexual abuse registrants, offense of grooming
H. B. No. 331
Regards village dissolution
H. B. No. 338
Allow child support orders for children over 18 with a disability
H. B. No. 364
Regards non-commercial seed sharing; noxious weed removal
H. B. No. 366
Enact FORCE Act re: organized retail theft
H. B. No. 403
Create new causes of action re: vehicles towed after an accident
H. B. No. 432
Regards the teaching of career-technical education
H. B. No. 452
Regards hospital violence prevention, training, security plans
H. B. No. 466
Requires written real estate agency agreement for representation
H. B. No. 496
Revise the law governing property taxes and county auditors
H. B. No. 497
Make various changes regarding county law
H. B. No. 503
Prohibit activities re: garbage-fed swine, feral swine, wild boar
H. B. No. 531
Enact Braden's Law to prohibit sexual extortion